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  1. Katie R. Gann, Naomi Pieczulewski, Cameron A. Gorsak, Karen Heinselman, Thaddeus J. Asel, Brenton A. Noesges, Kathleen T. Smith, Daniel M. Dryden, Huili Grace Xing, Hari P. Nair, David A. Muller, Michael O. Thompson; Silicon implantation and annealing in β-Ga2O3: Role of ambient, temperature, and time. J. Appl. Phys. 7 January 2024; 135 (1): 015302.


  1. Ming-Chiang Chang, Sebastian Ament, Maximilian Amsler, Duncan R. Sutherland, Lan Zhou, John M. Gregoire, Carla P. Gomes, R. Bruce van Dover, Michael O. Thompson "Probabilistic Phase Labeling and Lattice Refinement for Autonomous Material Research" ArXiv, 2308.07897


  1. Gann, K., Chang, C.S., Chang, M.C., Sutherland, D.R., Connolly, A.B., Muller, D.A., van Dover, R.B., Thompson, M.O. "Initial nucleation of metastable γ-Ga2O3 during sub-millisecond thermal anneals of amorphous Ga2O3", Applied Physics Letters, 10.1063/5.0087093 (2022).


  1. Ament, S., Amsler, M., Sutherland, D.R., Chang, M.C., Guevarra, D., Connolly, A.B., Gregoire, J.M., Thompson, M.O., Gomes, C.P, van Dover, R.B. "Autonomous materials synthesis via hierarchical active learning of nonequilibrium phase diagrams", Science Advances, 10.1126/sciadv.abg4930 (2021).

  2. Ament, S., Amsler, M., Sutherland, D.R., Chang, M.C., Guevarra, D., Connolly, A.B., Gregoire, J.M., Thompson, M.O., Gomes, C.P, van Dover, R.B. "Autonomous synthesis of metastable materials", ArXiv, 2101.07385  (2021).

  3. Bell, R.T., Beaucage, P.A., Murphy, M.J., Connolly, A.B., Wiesner, U., Ginley, D., van Dover, R.B., Thompson, M.O. "Rapid Identification of Synthetic Routes to Functional Metastable Phases Using X-ray Probed Laser Anneal Mapping (XPLAM) Time–Temperature Quench Maps", ACS Chem. Mater., 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c04926 (2021)


  1. Sutherland, D.R., Connolly, A.B., Amsler, M., Chang, M.C., Gann, K.R., Gupta, V., Ament, S., Guevarra, D., Gregoire, J.M., Gomes, C.P, van Dover, R.B., Thompson, M.O. "Optical Identification of Materials Transformations in Oxide Thin Films", ACS Combi Sci, 10.1021/acscombisci.0c00172 (2020).


  1. Sun. Z., Liepe, M., Oseroff, T.E., Porter, R.D., Arias, T., Connolly, A.B., Sholtz, J.M., Sitaraman, N., Thompson, M.O., Deng, X., Dobson, K.D.  "Electroplating of Sn Film on Nb Substrate for Generating Nb₃Sn Thin Films and Post Laser Annealing". Joint Accelerator Conferences Website, 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.129557 (2019).


  1. A.G. Jacobs, C. Liedel, H. Peng, L. Wang, D.-M. Smilgies, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Kinetics of block copolymer phase segregation during sub-millisecond transient thermal annealing," Macromolecules, 0.1021/acs.macromol.6b00698 (2016).

  2. R.T. Bell, A.G. Jacobs, V.C. Sorg, B. Jung, M.O. Hill, B.E. Treml, and M.O. Thompson, "Lateral temperature-gradient method for high-throughput characterization of material processing by millisecond laser annealing," ACS Comb. Sci., 10.1021/acscombsci.6b00043 (2016).

  3. C.R. Schmidtlein, J.N. Turner, M.O. Thompson, K.C. Mandal, I. Häggström, J. Zhang, J.L. Humm, D.H. Feiglin, and A. Krol, "Performance modeling of a wearable brain PET (BET) camera," Proc. SPIE, 9788, 978806 (2016).

  4. B. Zhu, K.E. Roach, D.M. Lynch, C.Y. Chung, D.G. Ast, R.G. Greene, and M.O. Thompson, "Effects of RF sputtering parameters on c-axis aligned crystalline (CAAC) InGaZnO4 films using design of experiment (DOE) approach," ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 5(6), P368-P375 (2016).

  5. A.G. Lind, T.P. Martin, Jr., V.C. Sorg, E.L. Kennon, V.Q. Truong, H.L. Aldridge, C. Hatem, M.O. Thompson, and K.S. Jones, "Activation of Si implants into InAs characterized by Raman scattering," J. Appl Phys. 119(9), 095705 (2016).



  1. C.-W. Lee, B. Lukose, M.O. Thompson, and P. Clancy, "Energetics of neutral Si dopants in InGaAs: an ab initio and semiemperical Tersoff model study," Phys. Rev. B. 91, 094108 (2015).

  2. A.G. Jacobs, C. Liedel, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Understanding of PS-b-PMMA phase segregation under laser-induced millisecond thermal annealing," Proc. SPIE 9423 942309 (2015).

  3. J. Jiang, A. Jacobs, M.O. Thompson, and C.K. Ober, "Laser spike annealing of DSA photoresists," J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol. 28(5), 631-634 (2015).

  4. V. Sorg, S.N. Zhang, M. Hill, P. Clancy, and M.O. Thompson, "(Invited) Dopant activation and deactivation in InGaAs during sub-millisecond thermal annealing," ECS Trans. 66(4), 117-124 (2015).

  5. C.Y. Chung, B. Zhu, R.G. Greene, M.O. Thompson, and D.G. Ast, "High mobility, dual layer, c-axis aligned crystalline/amorphous IGZO thin film transistor," Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 183503 (2015).

  6. D.M. Lynch, B. Zhu, B.D.A. Levin, D.A. Muller, D.G. Ast, R.G. Greene, and M.O. Thompson, "Deposition conditions and HRTEM characterization of CAAC IGZO," SID Symp. Dig. Tech. 46(1), 308-311 (2015).

  7. B. Zhu, D.M. Lynch, C.Y. Chung, D.G. Ast, R.G. Greene, and M.O. Thompson, "Effects of RF sputtering parameters and film composition on c-axis aligned crystalline (CAAC) IGZO films," SID Symp. Dig. Tech. 46(1) 667-680 (2015).

  8. B.E. Treml, A.B. Robbins, K. Whitham, D.-M. Smilgies, M.O. Thompson, and T. Hanrath, "Processing-structure-property relationships in laser-annealed PbSe nanocrystal thin films," ACS Nano 9(4), 4096-4102 (2015).

  9. B. Zhu, D.M. Lynch, C.Y. Chung, D.G. Ast, R.G. Greene, and M.O. Thompson, "Chemical etch rate and X-ray structure of reactive sputtered c-axis aligned crystalline InxGayZnzO4 films," ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 4(5), Q43 (2015).

  10. B.E. Treml, A.G. Jacobs, R.T. Bell, M.O. Thompson, and T. Hanrath, "μRainbow: CdSe nanocrystal photoluminescence gradients via laser spike annealing for kinetic investigations and tunable device design," Nano Lett. 16(2), 967-972 (2015).

  11. K.W. Tan, B. Jung, J.G. Werner, E.R. Rhoades, M.O. Thompson, and U. Wiesner, "Transient laser heating induced hierarchical porous structures from block copolymer-direct self-assembly," Science 349(6243), 54 (2015).

  12. A.G. Jacobs, B. Jung, J. Jing, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Control of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) directed self-assembly by laser-induced millisecond thermal annealing," J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS. 14(3), 031205 (2015).

  13. C.Y. Chung, B. Zhu, D.G. Ast, R.G. Greene, and M.O. Thompson, "High mobility amorphous InGaZnO4thin film transistors formed by CO2 laser spike annealing," Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 124506 (2015).

  14. A.M. Raymunt, R.T. Bell, M.O. Thompson, and P. Clancy, "The effect of laser annealing on the structure of amorphous porous SiCOH materials," J. Phys. Chem. C 119(22), 12616-12624 (2015).



  1. D.M. Lynch, B. Zhu, B.D.A. Levin, D.A. Muller, D.G. Ast, R.G. Greene, and M.O. Thompson, "Characterization of reactively sputtered c-axis aligned nanocrystalline InGaZnO4," Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 262103 (2014).

  2. A.G. Jacobs, B. Jung, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Control of PS-b-PMMA directed self-assembly registration by laser induced millisecond thermal annealing," Proc. SPIE 9049, 90492B (2014).

  3. B. Jung, P. Satish, D.N. Bunck, W.R. Dichtel, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Laser-induced sub-millisecond heating reveals distinct tertiary ester cleavage reaction pathways in a photolithographic resist polymer," ACS Nano, 8(6), 5746-5756 (2014).

  4. J. Jiang, M.O. Thompson, and C.K. Ober, "Line width roughness reduction by rational design of photoacid generator for sub-millisecond laser post-exposure bake," Proc. SPIE 9051, 90510H (2014).

  5. B. Jung, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Controlled roughness reduction of patterned resist polymers using laser-induced sub-millisecond heating," J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 9115-9121 (2014).


  1. Y.H.D. Lee, M.O. Thompson, and M. Lipson, "Deposited low temperature silicon GHz modulator," Optics Express 21(22), 26688-26692 (2013).

  2. J. Jiang, B. Jung, M.O. Thompson, and C.K. Ober, "Line edge roughness of high deprotection activation energy photoresist by using sub-millisecond post exposure bake," Proc. SPIE 8682, 86821N (2013).


  1. K. Iyengar, B. Jung, M. Willemann, P. Clancy, and M.O. Thompson, "Experimental determination of thermal profiles during laser spike annealing with quantitative comparison to 3-dimensional simulations," Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 211915 (2012).

  2. B. Jung, J. Sha, F. Paredes, M. Chandhok, T.R. Youngkin, U. Wiesner, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Kinetic rates of thermal transformations and diffusion in polymer systems measured during sub-millisecond laser-induced heating," ACS Nano 6(7), 5830-5836 (2012).

  3. M. Krysak, B. Jung, M.O. Thompson, and C.K. Ober, "Investigation of acid diffusion during laser spike annealing with systematically designed photoacid generators," Proc. SPIE 8325, 83250M (2012).

  4. B. Jung, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Deprotection reaction kinetics in chemically amplified photoresists determined by sub-millisecond post exposure bake," Proc. SPIE 8325, 83250N (2012).


  1. B. Jung, C.K. Ober, M.O. Thompson, and M. Chandhok, "LWR reduction and flow of chemically amplified resist patterns during sub-millisecond heating," Proc. SPIE 7972, 79722S (2011).

  2. W.J. Baumgardner, J.J. Choi, K. Bian, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.-M. Smilgies, M.O. Thompson, and T. Hanrath, "Pulsed laser annealing of thin films of self-assembled nanocrystals," ACS Nano, 5(9), 7010-7019 (2011).

  3. K.W. Tan, S.A. Saba, H. Arora, M.O. Thompson, and U. Wiesner, "Colloidal self-assembly-directed laser-induced non-close-packed crystalline silicon nanostructures," ACS Nano 5(10), 7960-7966 (2011).

  4. B. Jung, C.K. Ober, M.O. Thompson, T.R. Younkin, and M. Chandhok, "Addressing challenges in lithography using sub-millisecond post exposure bake of chemically amplified resists," Proc. SPIE7972, 797219 (2011).

  5. B. Jung, M. Chandhok, T.R. Younkin, C.K. Ober, and M.O. Thompson, "Time dependent behavior of chemically amplified resist characterized under sub-millisecond post exposure bake," J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol. 24(5), 487-490 (2011).

  6. M.H. Willemann and M.O. Thompson, "Two-stage laser thermal processing of nanoparticle inks on flexible substrates for high performance electronics," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1340 (2011).


  1. H. Arora, P. Du, K.W. Tan, J.K. Hyun, J. Grazul, H.L. Xin, D.A. Muller, M.O. Thompson, and U. Wiesner, "Block copolymer self-assembly-directed single-crystal homo- and heteroepitaxial nanotructures," Science 330(6001), 214-219 (2010).

  2. B. Jung, J. Sha, F. Paredes, C.K. Ober, M.O. Thompson, M. Chandhok, and T.R. Younkin, "Sub-millisecond post exposure bake of chemically amplified resists by CO2 laser heat treatment," Proc. SPIE 7639, 76390L (2010).

  3. C. Lew and M.O. Thompson, "Quantifying electronic charge trap states and the effect of imprint on ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) thin films," J. Appl. Phys. 107, 104110 (2010).


  1. J. Sha, B. Jung, M.O. Thompson, C.K. Ober, M. Chandhok, and T.R. Younkin, "Submillisecond post-exposure bake of chemically amplified resists by CO2 laser spike annealing," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B27, 3020 (2009).

  2. C. Lew and M.O. Thompson, "Characterizing trapped charge dynamics in imprinted poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) ferroelectric thin films using the fast ramp thermally stimulated current technique," J. Appl. Phys. 105, 054112 (2009).


  1. C. Lew and M.O. Thompson, "A fast ramp rate thermally stimulated current technique to quantify electronic charge dynamics in thin films," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 043906 (2008).

  2. J.E. Goose, K. Wong, P. Clancy, and M.O. Thompson, "Direct melt processing of pentacene at temperatures above 1000°C by pulsed laser irradiation," Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 183306 (2008).


  1. E.D. Tsagarkis, C. Lew, M.O. Thompson, and E.P. Giannelis, "Nanocrystalline barium titanate films on flexible plastic substrates via pulsed laser annealing," Appl. Phys. Lett.89, 202910 (2006).

  2. E.J. Albenze, M.O. Thompson, and P. Clancy, "Molecular dynamics study of explosive crystallization of SiGe and boron-doped SiGe alloys," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 45(16), 5628-5639 (2006).


  1. W. Chung, M.O. Thompson, P. Wickboldt, D. Toet, and P.G. Carey, "Room temperature indium tin oxide by XeCl excimer laser annealing for flexible display," Thin Solid Films 460(1-2), 291-294 (2004).

  2. E.J. Albenze, M.O. Thompson, and P. Clancy, "Atomistic computer simulation of explosive crystallization in pure silicon and germanium," Phys. Rev. B 70, 094110 (2004).

  3. C. Lew and M.O. Thompson, "Quantifying the role of electronic charge trap states on imprint behavior in ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) thin films," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 830, (2004).

  4. Y.F. Chong, H.-J.L. Grossman, K.L. Pey, M.O. Thompson, A.T.S. Wee, and C.H. Tung, "Reduction of polysilicon gate depletion effect in NMOS devices using laser thermal processing," Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 7(2), G25-G27 (2004).

  5. Y.F. Chong, H.-J.L. Grossman, M.O. Thompson, S. Yang, K.L. Pey, and A.T.S. Wee, "Time-resolved reflectance studies of silicon during laser thermal processing of amorphous silicon gates on ultrathin gate oxides," J. Appl. Phys. 95, 6048 (2004).


  1. W. Chung, P. WIckboldt, D. Toet, P.G. Carey, and M.O. Thompson, "Laser-crystallized high quality ITO on plastic substrates for flexible displays," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 769, (2003).

  2. Y.F. Chong, H.-J.L. Grossman, M.O. Thompson, K.L. Pey, A.T.S. Wee, S. Talwar, and L. Chan, "Reduction of carrier depletion in p+ polysilicon gates using laser thermal processing," IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 24(5), 360-362 (2003).

  3. R.N. Das, C. Lew, I. Zergioti, M.O. Thompson, and E.P. Giannelis, "Combinatorial laser processing of dielectric/ferroelectric thin and thick films," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 748, (2003).


  1. L. Wang, P. Clancy, M.O. Thompson, and C.S. Murthy, "Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of laser processing of heavily boron-doped amorphous silicon using molecular dynamics," J. Appl. Phys. 92, 2412 (2002).

  2. K.K. Dezfulian, J.P. Krusius, M.O. Thompson, and S. Talwar, "Laser-induced lateral epitaxy in fully depleted silicon-on-insulator junctions," Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 2238 (2002).

  3. W. Chung, M.O. Thompson, P. Wickboldt, D. Toet, and P.G. Carey, "Crystallization of ultra-low temperature ITO by XeCl excimer laser annealing," SID Symp. Dig. Tech. 33(1), 57-59 (2002).

  4. T.J. Renk, P.P. Provencio, P.G. Clem, S.V. Prasad, and M.O. Thompson, "Use of intense ion beams for surface modification and creation of new materials," Sandia Technical Report SAND2002-4215 (2002).

  5. Y.F. Chong, K.L. Pey, A.T.S. Wee, M.O. Thompson, C.H. Tung, and A. See, "Laser-induced amorphization of silicon during pulsed-laser irradiation of TiN/Ti/polycrystalline silicon/SiO2/silicon," Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 3786 (2002).


  1. W. Luo, S. Yang, P. Clancy, and M.O. Thompson, "Deactivation kinetics of supersaturated boron:silicon alloys," J. Appl. Phys. 90, 2262 (2001).

  2. L. Tian, M.O. Thompson, R. Dieckmann, C.-Y. Hui, and Y.-Y. Lin, "Bulk diffusion measurements to study the effectiveness of barrier layers: I. Mathematical treatment," J. Appl. Phys. 90, 3799 (2001).

  3. S. Yang and M.O. Thompson, "Laser thermal induced crystallization for 20 nm device structures," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 669, (2001).

  4. W. Chung and M.O. Thompson, "Effect of excimer laser annealing on ultra-low temperature gate dielectrics," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 685, (2001).

  5. C. Lew and M.O. Thompson, "Silicide formation by pulsed excimer laser annealing," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 685, (2001).

  6. P.G. Sanders, M.O. Thompson, T.J. Renk, and M.J. Aziz, "Liquid titanium solute diffusion measured by pulsed ion-beam melting," Metall. Mater. Trans. A 32(12), 2969-2974 (2001).


  1. A. Chojnacka and M.O. Thompson, "Morphological instabilities during explosive crystallization of germanium films," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 648, (2000).

  2. D. Toet, P.M. Smith, T.W. Sigmon, and M.O. Thompson, "Spatially selective materials deposition by hydrogen-assisted laser-induced transfer," Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 307 (2000).

  3. J.A. Kittl, P.G. Sanders, M.J. Aziz, D.P. Brunco, and M.O. Thompson, "Complete experimental test of kinetic models for rapid alloy solidification," Acta Mater. 48(20), 4797-4811 (2000).

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